
國際媒體報導-Alvi Armani Hair Loss Research 宣布"頭髮複製"停止研究。以目前的科技"頭髮複製"將很難達成,我們將專注於"專利Origenere TR1"天然植物提取物對頭髮生長的研究。

Alvi Armani Hair Loss Research 宣布"頭髮複製"停止研究。以目前的科技"頭髮複製"將很難達成,我們將專注於"專利Origenere TR1"天然植物提取物對頭髮生長的研究。

BEVERLY HILLS, Sept. 12, 2013 /CNW/ - 國際報導

Alvi Armani 脫髮研究已經宣布重組其研究計劃,以提高專利Origenere TR1天然植物提取物治療掉髮研究為重點。

突破性配方專利Origenere TR1已經顯示在治療掉髮、停止掉髮、頭髮再生的功效。

研究發現,相對於米諾地爾和非那雄胺,使用Origenere TR1 具有顯著的改善,高達38%的頭髮生長。特別針對初期掉髮的效果最好(請參考下圖-AlviArmani 脫髮分類表)。
醫療總監 博士 Baubac Hayatdavoudi 說:
"在治療掉髮研究中產生了一個重大的突破,Origenere 天然植物提取物比其他治療方法效果更好。專利 Origenere TR1 的作用原理是透過活化微型卵泡,我們發現毛髮是不會"死"的,但是毛髮會微型化,專利 Origenere TR1 會使毛髮微型化的過程逆轉為正常粗髮。"

Alvi Armani Hair Loss Research 發現以目前的科學很難達成"頭髮複製"、"頭髮生物複製技術"或"頭髮繁殖",Alvi Armani 宣布停止相關研究。頭髮生物複製技術(Hair Cloning)是從毛囊中取出基因做生物複製。這是將複製的基因注入再生的毛髮植入頭皮上,這會使毛囊再生或是使周圍的細胞再度活化。

醫療總監 博士 Baubac Hayatdavoudi 說:
"任何治療掉髮的產品(符合化妝品規範的產品)沒有辦法有效控制頭髮生長方向與區塊,在頭髮生物複製技術(Hair Cloning)是沒有效果的。

Alvi Armani Hair Loss Research 一直是在這個具有挑戰性的和驚人的領域的最頂端,領先的研究和治療,包括:"頭髮生物複製技術"、"基因治療"、"生長因子療法"、"自然脫髮的治療"、和"脫髮的藥物";這五項發明專利已提交。Alvi Armani Hair Transplants(頭髮移植)在比佛利山莊,布宜諾斯艾利斯,新德里擁有遍布全球的診所。

消息來源:Alvi Armani International

 For further information:

Bilal Armani,VP
Tel: +1310 658 6444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +1310 658 6444 免費  end_of_the_skype_highlighting
8500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1010
Beverly Hills, CA
90211, USA
BEVERLY HILLS, Sept. 12, 2013 /CNW/ - Alvi Armani Hair Loss Research has announced restructuring of its research program to increase focus on patented Origenere TR1 natural plant extract for hair loss treatment. A breakthrough formula, TR1 has shown efficacy in treating hair loss, stopping hair loss, and hair regrowth. A study using Origenere TR1 extract exhibited hair growth up to 38%, significant improvement versus Minoxidil and Finasteride. Earlier stages of hair loss (see AlviArmani Hair Loss Scale at benefit the most.
"Our research has yielded an exceptional breakthrough in hair loss treatment. We have come across a natural plant extract that yields better results than other treatments available. TR1 works by invigorating miniaturized follicles. We have discovered that hairs do not 'die', they miniaturize. TR1 enables that reversal", said Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi, Medical Director.
Alvi Armani Hair Loss Research also announced discontinuation of research into 'hair replication', 'hair cloning', or 'hair multiplication' due to insurmountable technical issues. Hair cloning entitles taking cells of a few hair follicles and replicating the composing cells. The now larger cell count would be injected into the scalp resulting in new hairs secondary to formation of new follicles or triggering of cellular signalling to surrounding follicles.
"Any hair loss treatment must produce cosmetically acceptable results and without control of hair angulation and trajectory in hair cloning, unattractive cosmetic outcomes are likely.  The amount of donor follicles to be collected is far greater than initially thought. Donor cell extraction process is difficult with significant amount of cellular waste producing limited usable cells. Thousands of follicles are needed to replicate them for treating baldness. Potential for cancer development with excessive auto replication of injected cloned cells is also a concern," said Dr. Hayatdavoudi.
Alvi Armani Hair Loss Research continues to be at the forefront of this challenging and amazing field, leading in research and treatments, including 'hair cloning', 'genetic treatments', 'growth factor treatments', 'natural hair loss treatments', and 'hair loss drugs'.  Five patents have been filed to date.  Alvi Armani Hair Transplants has worldwide clinics in Beverly Hills, Buenos Aires, and New Delhi.
SOURCE Alvi Armani International
Image with caption: "Alvi Armani Hair Loss Research Discontinues 'Hair Cloning' Research. Hair Replication Not a Feasible Technology. To Focus on Patented Origenere TR1 Natural Plant Extract for Hair Growth. (CNW Group/Alvi Armani International)". Image available at:
 For further information:

Bilal Armani,VP
Tel: +1310 658 6444 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +1310 658 6444 免費  end_of_the_skype_highlighting
8500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1010
Beverly Hills, CA
90211, USA
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