Thymuskin® 欣髮源 停止異常落髮 臨床實驗
2013年 重要臨床實驗的摘錄
Thymuskin®欣髮源 在醫藥以及化妝品相關領域的研究於始於1976年,截至目前為止已經獲得許多重大創新突破與專利。
從1976年起我們就與全球許多專科醫師與醫學中心、大學在異常落髮與胸腺素領域充分合作與發展,在下面相關的實驗例子中您將可以發現 Thymuskin®欣髮源 是一個優異且獨步全球的產品。
源自胸腺具生物活性的胜肽之所以備受輔助醫療的重視,主要原因是它們具有恢復免疫力的特性,且經常可用於刺激人體自體免疫系統而在生病時產生B淋巴細胞和T淋巴細胞。雖然許多觀察和研究都已發現胸腺胜肽也可以成功應用於其他醫學相關領域,在知名期刊 Journal of Plastic Dermatology 最近發表的一項新研究中,再次證實胸腺胜肽(Thymuskin®Peptides)在掉髮治療上的應用。
本研究目的在測試低分子量胸腺胜肽(GKL係數)在第一階段雄性禿(AGA)和慢性靜止期掉髮(TE)在六個月中的有效性和適用性。本研究使用含有合成胸腺胜肽的胸腺胜肽養髮精華液和洗髮精(產品:Thymuskin ® /Fa. Klett-Loch GmbH)。
- Barbareschi M, Arena N et al.: Multicentric study of the effects of topical lotion and shampoo containing synthetic thymus peptides on androgenetic alopecia and chronic telogen effluvium in women and men. Journal of Plastic Dermatology. 2013: Vol.9 (2),
[1] C. Bolduc, J. Shapiro: Management of androgenetic alopecia. Am. J. Clin. Dermat. 2000; 1(3):151-8
[2] Renner D, Schuster D, Heim ME: Experiences using the ”thymuskin” hair cure for the prevention of alopecia in cytostatic treatment. Onkologie (1986) 5:285–6
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[4] Donne Dermatologhe Italia (DDI). Clinical Investigation of the effects of topical lotion and shampoo containing synthetic thymus peptides on androgenetic and chronic telogen effluvium in women. J Plastic Dermatol 2008; 4:199-205.
2009年 重要臨床實驗的摘錄
- 在雄性禿的情況下明顯的減緩脫髮
- 活性複雜的胸腺素GKL-02是具有高度生物活性和刺激角質形成細胞(毛髮的生成細胞)
- 刺激角質形成細胞的生長
- 確保免疫系統的正常(平衡)的皮膚
Thymuskin®欣髮源 在所有實驗項目長達6個月的治療後,在抑制頭皮屑,皮脂溢(脂漏性皮膚炎),皮膚瘙癢(瘙癢)和發紅有效性率不斷提高,毫無保留的6個月後,可以確認的有效性和耐受性。
文獻資料:Dermatologists of Italy, Donne Dermathologhe Italia DDI, Published 2009 in Journal of Plastic Dermatology (issue 5, Nr. 3, September December 2009), Official Organ of the International-Italian Society of Plastic-Aesthetic and Oncologic Dermatology (ISPLAD)
- Academic Teaching Hospital of the Universities of Frankfurt and Heidelberg
- City Hospital of Vienna-Lainz, Austria
- Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
- University of Münster
- Medizinische Akademie Hannover
- Medical Hospital of the Technical University Munich
- German Cancer Research Centre Heidelberg
- Dermatology Unit, University of Milan, Italy
- Women Dermatologists of Italy (DDI)
- Clinical study on the effect of a dermocosmetic preparation for local application based on synthetic thymus peptides for alopecia androgenetica and chronic telogen effluvium in women
- Topical therapy of androgenetic alopecia with a synthetic peptide library
- Thymuskin: New therapy approach for the treatment of alopecia androgenetica and alopecia areata
- Local therapy with thymus extract for alopecia areata totalis and universalis
- Summary report on the adjuvant local application of Thymuskin preparations in patients undergoing cytostatic chemotherapy
- New approaches in the diagnosis and therapy of alopecia in gynaecology
- Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Clinical Oncology Thymuskin Hair Study Part I
- Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Clinical Oncology Thymuskin Hair Study Part II
- Prof. Dr. med. Hagedorn Summary field report on the treatment of various forms of alopecia with Thymuskin
- Prof. Dr. Claus O. Köhler Different preservation of scalp hair during chemotherapy with various therapeutic agents
- Heidelberg University Hospital Women’s Clinic Concluding report on the treatment of alopecia diffusa in women with the local therapeutic agent Thymuskin
- Thymuskin: Effectiveness, effects and hypothesis as to the effects
- Treating genital lichen sclerosus with a synthetic thymus preparation an observational study
- On the treatment and care of genital lichen sclerosus findings of an observational study